WELCOME TO Mrs. cook's online learning page
Hey Friends! Here are the assignments for today's virtual learning day!
Today is our rotation day, so we do not have any homeroom assignments. If you really, really want to, you can watch this really awesome video of the read aloud, "I Am Enough." It can be found here:
Today is our rotation day, so we do not have any homeroom assignments. If you really, really want to, you can watch this really awesome video of the read aloud, "I Am Enough." It can be found here:
We had a lot of 100% scores on our Section A Checkpoint yesterday! Woot, woot! I did notice that those that did not get 100% seemed to struggle most with expanded and word form, so I'd like you to watch this very low-budget production from my dining room table:
We had a lot of 100% scores on our Section A Checkpoint yesterday! Woot, woot! I did notice that those that did not get 100% seemed to struggle most with expanded and word form, so I'd like you to watch this very low-budget production from my dining room table:
Then, please complete the attached worksheet that will help you review standard, expanded, and word form. The PDF is fillable, so you can just type in your answers and email them as an attachment OR you can print it out and write in your answers!
Finally, please check Aspire and see what you scored on your checkpoint yesterday. If you got 100%, you don't need to do this next part. If you received below 100%, you have the opportunity to review your work and make any corrections you would like to make. Today will be your only opportunity to make corrections, so please take advantage of it! The PDF is attached to this email and it is also fillable. For #1, you just need to click the box next to the letter you select. It has a checkbox built in already. For the rest, type in your answers and then email it back to me OR print it and write the answers in! Your choice!
All assignments are due TOMORROW, February 23. Please work diligently and email me if you have any questions! I am happy to call and walk you through things or email you more information.
Finally, please check Aspire and see what you scored on your checkpoint yesterday. If you got 100%, you don't need to do this next part. If you received below 100%, you have the opportunity to review your work and make any corrections you would like to make. Today will be your only opportunity to make corrections, so please take advantage of it! The PDF is attached to this email and it is also fillable. For #1, you just need to click the box next to the letter you select. It has a checkbox built in already. For the rest, type in your answers and then email it back to me OR print it and write the answers in! Your choice!
All assignments are due TOMORROW, February 23. Please work diligently and email me if you have any questions! I am happy to call and walk you through things or email you more information.

standardexpandedwordformfillable.pdf | |
File Size: | 118 kb |
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unit_5_section_a_checkpoint_fillable.pdf | |
File Size: | 144 kb |
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ONline learning day 01/02/2023
Here is the plan for our Online Learning Day tomorrow:
We've been learning about line plots in our classroom. If your student needs a refresher, please watch this video:
Line Plot Video
Once your student is comfortable with that review, please have your student create a line plot for Utah Snowpack Totals by using the data found on this site: Utah Snowpack Totals or look below for the image of the website.
Your student will need to give their line plot a title, choose the starting and ending measurements for their number line, then mark the snowpack measurements on their line plot. There are 16 measurements that will need to be plotted. After plotting, your child should write down their labels underneath the line plot (Snowpack depth in inches). Please have your student turn their line plot in on Tuesday or take a picture and email it to [email protected]
After completing the line plot, students should spend at least 15 minutes on roomrecess.com playing math games.
That website is here: RoomRecess
We're ready for a new year! 2023! Woot, woot! Please watch this read aloud of Squirrel's New Year Resolution:
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
After watching, discuss with your child what resolutions they want to make for 2023 and fill out the PDF. Students can choose either the boy worksheet or the girl worksheet. They do not need to complete both. :) When finished, please take a screen shot and email it to ccook@scholarcharter,org or print it out and bring it to class on Tuesday.
We've been learning about line plots in our classroom. If your student needs a refresher, please watch this video:
Line Plot Video
Once your student is comfortable with that review, please have your student create a line plot for Utah Snowpack Totals by using the data found on this site: Utah Snowpack Totals or look below for the image of the website.
Your student will need to give their line plot a title, choose the starting and ending measurements for their number line, then mark the snowpack measurements on their line plot. There are 16 measurements that will need to be plotted. After plotting, your child should write down their labels underneath the line plot (Snowpack depth in inches). Please have your student turn their line plot in on Tuesday or take a picture and email it to [email protected]
After completing the line plot, students should spend at least 15 minutes on roomrecess.com playing math games.
That website is here: RoomRecess
We're ready for a new year! 2023! Woot, woot! Please watch this read aloud of Squirrel's New Year Resolution:
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
After watching, discuss with your child what resolutions they want to make for 2023 and fill out the PDF. Students can choose either the boy worksheet or the girl worksheet. They do not need to complete both. :) When finished, please take a screen shot and email it to ccook@scholarcharter,org or print it out and bring it to class on Tuesday.

newyearresolutions-1__1_.pdf | |
File Size: | 2647 kb |
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Hello there! I'm so grateful for your consistent efforts to keep your student motivated through this school dismissal!
On this page you will find links to previous assignments for Literacy and Math from Week 1 and Week 2 of school dismissal. From Week 3 on, we will be using CANVAS for a seamless and completely digital learning experience! Homeroom students can still utilize the links at the bottom of this page for at-home learning opportunities.
Click the image below to be taken to the CANVAS sign in pages for your student's class!
On this page you will find links to previous assignments for Literacy and Math from Week 1 and Week 2 of school dismissal. From Week 3 on, we will be using CANVAS for a seamless and completely digital learning experience! Homeroom students can still utilize the links at the bottom of this page for at-home learning opportunities.
Click the image below to be taken to the CANVAS sign in pages for your student's class!
Mrs. Cook's YouTube Channel
Below are read-a-louds of our stories for the next two weeks.
20 minute timer for reading!
LInks for March 23-27 |
Links for March 17-20 |
15 minute timer for ST Math
LINKS For March 23-27 |
Mystery Science Mini-Lesson Links! All lessons are hyperlinks!
Are unicorns real?
How is glass made?
Why is the ocean salty?
How are toys invented?
How do germs get inside your body?
How does hand sanitizer kill germs?
Are unicorns real?
How is glass made?
Why is the ocean salty?
How are toys invented?
How do germs get inside your body?
How does hand sanitizer kill germs?
Social Studies
Visit Finance in the Classroom to find online activities that teach you more about Financial Literacy and Economics!
Being socially isolated can be difficult! Especially when we don't get to see each other! Stay connected with our classmates! Join our flipgrid and say hello! Use the password "Cookies123" to tell me about your earthquake experience today!
TODAY'S TOPIC: Pet Show and Tell! Add your favorite to our FlipGrid! https://flipgrid.com/76eec948
TODAY'S TOPIC: Pet Show and Tell! Add your favorite to our FlipGrid! https://flipgrid.com/76eec948